Oracle Linux Virtualization Managerを使ってみる

VMwareがBroadcomに買収されたことで、無償版ESXi Hypervisorの提供が終了してしまった。



8.19. 仮想化 | Red Hat Product Documentation


仮想マシンのスナップショットの作成は、現在、UEFI ファームウェアを使用していない仮想マシンのみでサポートされています。さらに、スナップショット操作中に QEMU モニターがブロックされる可能性があり、これは特定のワークロードのハイパーバイザーのパフォーマンスに悪影響を及ぼします。

また、現在の仮想マシンスナップショットの作成メカニズムは非推奨となり、Red Hat は実稼働環境での仮想マシンスナップショットの使用を推奨していないことにも注意してください。


同じくKVMの仮想環境を管理するための仕組みとしてオープンソースなoVirtというプロジェクトがあり、その実装の一つにOracle Linux Virtualization Manager(OLVM)があるのだが、どうやらこちらではスナップショットが取れる様子。ちょっと構築してどんなものか見てみることにした。


Oracle Linux Virtualization Managerスタート・ガイド

ざっくり言うと、Oracle Linux Virtualization ManagerはKVMホストを管理するため仕組みで、エンジンホストと呼ばれる専用のホストにoVirtエンジンをインストールすることで構成される。したがって、登場人物としてはエンジンホストと実際に仮想マシンを動かすKVMホストの最低2つ。それぞれに設定を行うことになる。


今回は、エンジンホストを独立したホストとして構成する。2024/09/26 時点では 4.5 Release が最新版。



まずはOracle Linux 8.8以上をインストール。インストールオプションは最小で、余計なものは入れずあとから追加するスタイル。ハードウェア的な最低要件は、2コアCPU、メモリ4GB、ディスク25GB。


# dnf config-manager --enable ol8_baseos_latest
# dnf install oracle-ovirt-release-45-el8
# dnf clean all
# dnf install kernel-uek-modules-extra

# systemctl reboot

# dnf install ovirt-engine

ovirt-engine のインストールが終わったら、エンジンを構成する。選択肢のあるものは基本的にデフォルト設定で問題ない。

# engine-setup
# engine-setup
[ INFO  ] Stage: Initializing
[ INFO  ] Stage: Environment setup
          Configuration files: /etc/ovirt-engine-setup.conf.d/10-packaging-jboss.conf,
          Log file: /var/log/ovirt-engine/setup/ovirt-engine-setup-20240926114812-wm12sy.log
          Version: otopi-1.10.4 (otopi-1.10.4-1.el8)
[ INFO  ] Stage: Environment packages setup
[ INFO  ] Stage: Programs detection
[ INFO  ] Stage: Environment setup (late)
[ INFO  ] Stage: Environment customization

          --== PRODUCT OPTIONS ==--

          Configure Cinderlib integration (Currently in tech preview) (Yes, No) [No]:
          Configure Engine on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:

          Configuring ovirt-provider-ovn also sets the Default cluster's default network provider to ovirt-provider-ovn.
          Non-Default clusters may be configured with an OVN after installation.
          Configure ovirt-provider-ovn (Yes, No) [Yes]:
          Configure WebSocket Proxy on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:

          * Please note * : Data Warehouse is required for the engine.
          If you choose to not configure it on this host, you have to configure
          it on a remote host, and then configure the engine on this host so
          that it can access the database of the remote Data Warehouse host.
          Configure Data Warehouse on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:

          * Please note * : Keycloak is now deprecating AAA/JDBC authentication module.
          It is highly recommended to install Keycloak based authentication.
          Configure Keycloak on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:
          Configure VM Console Proxy on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:
          Configure Grafana on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]:

          --== PACKAGES ==--

[ INFO  ] Checking for product updates...
[ INFO  ] DNF パッケージ grafana-postgres は利用可能ですが、インストールされていません。
[ INFO  ] No product updates found

          --== NETWORK CONFIGURATION ==--

          Host fully qualified DNS name of this server [olvmtest.dn.home]:

          Setup can automatically configure the firewall on this system.
          Note: automatic configuration of the firewall may overwrite current settings.
          Do you want Setup to configure the firewall? (Yes, No) [Yes]:
[ INFO  ] firewalld will be configured as firewall manager.

          --== DATABASE CONFIGURATION ==--

          Where is the DWH database located? (Local, Remote) [Local]:

          Setup can configure the local postgresql server automatically for the DWH to run. This may conflict with existing
          Would you like Setup to automatically configure postgresql and create DWH database, or prefer to perform that manually?
          (Automatic, Manual) [Automatic]:
          Where is the Keycloak database located? (Local, Remote) [Local]:

          Setup can configure the local postgresql server automatically for the Keycloak to run. This may conflict with existing
          Would you like Setup to automatically configure postgresql and create Keycloak database, or prefer to perform that manually?
          (Automatic, Manual) [Automatic]:
          Where is the Engine database located? (Local, Remote) [Local]:

          Setup can configure the local postgresql server automatically for the engine to run. This may conflict with existing
          Would you like Setup to automatically configure postgresql and create Engine database, or prefer to perform that manually?
          (Automatic, Manual) [Automatic]:


          Engine admin password:
          Confirm engine admin password:
          Application mode (Virt, Gluster, Both) [Both]:
          Use Engine admin password as initial keycloak admin password (Yes, No) [Yes]:

          --== STORAGE CONFIGURATION ==--

          Default SAN wipe after delete (Yes, No) [No]:

          --== PKI CONFIGURATION ==--

          Organization name for certificate [dn.home]:

          --== APACHE CONFIGURATION ==--

          Setup can configure the default page of the web server to present the application home page. This may conflict with existing
          Do you wish to set the application as the default page of the web server? (Yes, No) [Yes]:

          Setup can configure apache to use SSL using a certificate issued from the internal CA.
          Do you wish Setup to configure that, or prefer to perform that manually? (Automatic, Manual) [Automatic]:

          --== SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ==--

          --== MISC CONFIGURATION ==--

          Please choose Data Warehouse sampling scale:
          (1) Basic
          (2) Full
          (1, 2)[1]:
          Use Engine admin password as initial Grafana admin password (Yes, No) [Yes]:

          --== END OF CONFIGURATION ==--

[ INFO  ] Stage: Setup validation
[WARNING] Warning: Not enough memory is available on the host. Minimum requirement is 4096MB, and 16384MB is recommended.
          Do you want Setup to continue, with amount of memory less than recommended? (Yes, No) [No]:Yes

          --== CONFIGURATION PREVIEW ==--

          Application mode                        : both
          Default SAN wipe after delete           : False
          Host FQDN                               : olvmtest.dn.home
          Firewall manager                        : firewalld
          Update Firewall                         : True
          Set up Cinderlib integration            : False
          Configure local Engine database         : True
          Set application as default page         : True
          Configure Apache SSL                    : True
          Keycloak installation                   : True
          Engine database host                    : localhost
          Engine database port                    : 5432
          Engine database secured connection      : False
          Engine database host name validation    : False
          Engine database name                    : engine
          Engine database user name               : engine
          Engine installation                     : True
          PKI organization                        : dn.home
          Set up ovirt-provider-ovn               : True
          DWH installation                        : True
          DWH database host                       : localhost
          DWH database port                       : 5432
          DWH database secured connection         : False
          DWH database host name validation       : False
          DWH database name                       : ovirt_engine_history
          Configure local DWH database            : True
          Grafana integration                     : True
          Grafana database user name              : ovirt_engine_history_grafana
          Keycloak database host                  : localhost
          Keycloak database port                  : 5432
          Keycloak database secured connection    : False
          Keycloak database host name validation  : False
          Keycloak database name                  : ovirt_engine_keycloak
          Keycloak database user name             : ovirt_engine_keycloak
          Configure local Keycloak database       : True
          Configure VMConsole Proxy               : True
          Configure WebSocket Proxy               : True

          Please confirm installation settings (OK, Cancel) [OK]:
[ INFO  ] Stage: Transaction setup
[ INFO  ] Stopping engine service
[ INFO  ] Stopping ovirt-fence-kdump-listener service
[ INFO  ] Stopping dwh service
[ INFO  ] Stopping vmconsole-proxy service
[ INFO  ] Stopping websocket-proxy service
[ INFO  ] Stage: Misc configuration (early)
[ INFO  ] Stage: Package installation
[ INFO  ] Stage: Misc configuration
[ INFO  ] Upgrading CA
[ INFO  ] Initializing PostgreSQL
[ INFO  ] Creating PostgreSQL 'engine' database
[ INFO  ] Configuring PostgreSQL
[ INFO  ] Creating PostgreSQL 'ovirt_engine_history' database
[ INFO  ] Configuring PostgreSQL
[ INFO  ] Creating PostgreSQL 'ovirt_engine_keycloak' database
[ INFO  ] Configuring PostgreSQL
[ INFO  ] Creating CA: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem
[ INFO  ] Creating CA: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/qemu-ca.pem
[ INFO  ] Creating a user for Grafana
[ INFO  ] Allowing ovirt_engine_history_grafana to read data on ovirt_engine_history
[ INFO  ] Setting up ovirt-vmconsole proxy helper PKI artifacts
[ INFO  ] Setting up ovirt-vmconsole SSH PKI artifacts
[ INFO  ] Configuring WebSocket Proxy
[ INFO  ] Creating/refreshing Engine database schema
[ INFO  ] Creating/refreshing DWH database schema
[ INFO  ] Updating OVN SSL configuration
[ INFO  ] Updating OVN timeout configuration
[ INFO  ] Creating/refreshing Engine 'internal' domain database schema
[ INFO  ] Creating default mac pool range
[ INFO  ] Adding default OVN provider to database
[ INFO  ] Adding OVN provider secret to database
[ INFO  ] Setting a password for internal user admin
[ INFO  ] Creating initial Keycloak admin user
[ INFO  ] Generating post install configuration file '/etc/ovirt-engine-setup.conf.d/20-setup-ovirt-post.conf'
[ INFO  ] Stage: Transaction commit
[ INFO  ] Stage: Closing up

          --== SUMMARY ==--

[ INFO  ] No need to restart fapolicyd because it is not running.
[ INFO  ] Starting dwh service
[ INFO  ] Starting Grafana service
[ INFO  ] Restarting ovirt-vmconsole proxy service
          To login to oVirt using Keycloak SSO, enter 'admin@ovirt' as username and the password provided during Setup
          To login to Keycloak Administration Console enter 'admin' as username and the password provided during Setup
          Web access for Keycloak Administration Console is enabled at:
          Web access is enabled at:
          Internal CA fingerprint: SHA256:
          SSH fingerprint: SHA256:aQ5rJGMG5MosVBladx2td5aWCOOdNfxa7SAAlgg2DoQ
[ INFO  ] Starting engine service
[WARNING] Warning: Not enough memory is available on the host. Minimum requirement is 4096MB, and 16384MB is recommended.
          Web access for grafana is enabled at:
          Please run the following command on the engine machine olvmtest.dn.home, for SSO to work:
          systemctl restart ovirt-engine

          --== END OF SUMMARY ==--

[ INFO  ] Restarting httpd
[ INFO  ] Start with setting up Keycloak for Ovirt Engine
[ INFO  ] Done with setting up Keycloak for Ovirt Engine
[ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
          Log file is located at /var/log/ovirt-engine/setup/ovirt-engine-setup-20240926114812-wm12sy.log
[ INFO  ] Generating answer file '/var/lib/ovirt-engine/setup/answers/20240926115334-setup.conf'
[ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
[ INFO  ] Execution of setup completed successfully



ここで入れるユーザ名は admin@ovirt で、engine-setup で設定したパスワードでログインする。


こちらも、Oracle Linux 8.8 以上をインストール。インストールオプションはこちらも最小で。ハードウェア的には実際に仮想マシンを動かすホストになるのでメモリやCPU、ストレージはそれなりなものを準備しておくこと。


# dnf config-manager --enable ol8_baseos_latest
# dnf install oracle-ovirt-release-45-el8
# dnf clean all
# dnf install kernel-uek-modules-extra

# systemctl reboot



「コンピュート」 → 「ホスト」 を開き、「新規作成」ボタンを押下。KVMホストの情報を入力して「OK」。








# mkdir -p /data/images
# chown 36:36 /data /data/images
# chmod 0755 /data /data/images

管理ポータルの「コンピュート」→「ホスト」で対象のホストを選び、「管理」→ 「メンテナンス」を選択。

同じく「管理」→ 「ローカルストレージを設定」を選択。




「ストレージ」→「ディスク」→「アップロード」→ 「開始」を押下。




Microsoft Edgeであればこのようなメッセージは出ず、CAの証明書を別途インポートする必要もなかった。原因はよくわからない。








仮想マシンのコンソール画面をブラウザ上に表示する場合は、「コンソール」→ 「コンソールオプション」で「noVNC」を選べばよい。








